Fire fighting has been considered the most dangerous profession in America. Each year, hundreds of firefighters are injured fighting fires and in some cases, tragically lose their lives in the performance of their duty.
Where We Stand
The Nevada State Firefighters’ Association has always been a strong advocate of firefighter safety and has successfully promoted industrial insurance benefits which attempt to meet the needs of a firefighter’s family should an injury occur which leaves the firefighter incapacitated and off work for an extended period of time.
Despite being able to receive industrial insurance benefits, based upon a deemed wage of $2,000, some firefighters may not be able to support their families financial needs. The Nevada State Firefighters’ Association’s Benevolence Fund exists to help you meet some of those financial needs if necessary. The Association’s Benevolence Fund is available to every member of the association who is injured in the line of duty. The fund allows eligible members to draw a maximum of $1,000 upon application and approval of the association’s board of directors.
How We are Supported
The fund is supported through investments, donations, and annual budget allocations. The prosperity of the fund, plus the annual contributions and donations has allowed the fund to become self-supporting.