NSFA Membership Dues

Details Price Qty
NSFA Regular Membership $25.00 USD  
NSFA Associate Membership $30.00 USD  
NSFA Life Membership $0.00 USD  

  • NSFA Membership Dues for Fiscal Year 2024
     July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025
     12:00 am - 11:55 pm


NSFA Membership Application (Request an Invoice)
Active Members are members of career, combination, and volunteer fire departments and members of the State Fire Marshal’s division who are of good moral character and American citizens. Membership Dues are $25.00 per year.

Associate Members shall be fire commissioners, city, county and state officials; individuals representing firms and corporations interested in the protection of life and property against fires; those supplying equipment and accessories; and other persons whose business brings them into personal contact with fire departments. Membership Dues are $30.00 per year.

Life Members shall be those persons who have been a member of this Association for ten or more years and have retired from active fire service. Active life members shall pay no dues but shall have all the rights of membership. Membership Dues are No Charge.